Wednesday 29 August 2012

Top of the Food Chain?

Hi All

Well I was online the other day and found the most interesting pile of shite from some pro-hunt piece of filth about why foxes need to be hunted - they are on the top of their food chain.

What kind of w**ker response is that?  I ask you!  Just because they could be on top of the food chain, then we must kill them?  For what reason?  Um...err...because I am a thick pathetic hunt pervert who gets sexual pleasure in killing animals for fun....Should be the answer really.

Well why is the food chain reason flawed?  Let's have a look!

First of all, foxes are NOT on the top of the food chain, due to the fact that hounds and dogs (domestic) will hunt foxes and kill them.  Even my old best friend used to chase after foxes and rabbits when he could!  Being the grand old age he was, I wasn't too frightened in him catching anything, he lived to the very ripe old age of 19 years old bless 'im and will always be the best friend anyone could ever have, I was the lucky one to have him share my life.

So foxes are not the top, well what now then Darwin?!?!  If you take away human technology, we are pretty crap in the food chain kind of things!  We are not at the very top of the food chain, we would share it with bears and other large preditors.  Also don't forget that polar bears actually hunt humans for food - good on them! So does this make polar bears on top? No not really as they could be hunted by humans also.

So back to an earlier point with the fact that hounds and dogs are on the top of the food chain, do they need to be controlled for being on the top?  Tigers, lions, gorillas and sharks - should we try to wipe these out?  No of course not (although scum has tried on practically all animals sadly), when man was given dominion over the animals of this world by the Allmighty, dominion did not mean to control, exploit, kill and basically be the same are - it meant to look after, to take care of and to be there for and co-exist with.

For the hunted animal and the ban.

Friday 24 August 2012


Hi All

I tried in vain last night to post a rather extensive 'cut and paste' selection from the HSA website on the violence dished out by the scum which infests our countryside hunting defenceless animals.  I think the post was far too long for the blogger website to handle which is very sad but not in an electronic point of view, but that there were 92 pages of known reports of violence on hunt saboteurs all with eye witness accounts and footage to back each one up - 92 PAGES!!!!

What the ***k! And what's worse is the fact that the archive didn't go back long enough to include most of the accounts given in the article entitled "Two Decades of Violence" included in a previous edition of HOWL.

With around 70 different accounts in 92 pages, this never ceases to shock me to the core - and we're the violent ones?!  It's about the time that people knew the TRUTH about what hunt sabs and monitors have to put up with every time they go out to deal with hunt scum.  Hunt filth will try to spread their lies about us beating up harmless country dwelling psychopaths who get a kick out of killing for fun.  There's a very good reason on all sabbing press releases why the statment 'non-violent' tactics is used....because it's true. 

I have been on many hunts up and down the country and the first and foremost thing on hunt saboteurs minds is purely to save the lives of hunted animals.  Could you really believe that police would allow saboteurs to get away with violence on hunt members?!  I have known cases where the police have threatened to arrest sabs over the smallest and highly insignificant things and even sometimes attacked-sabs have been arrested bruised and bleeding after being beaten up badly for no reason whatsoever.  The police target sabs even after the ban with ridiculous schemes in order to keep up their harrassment of the very law upholding people they should be working with.  One case still going through the courts is about a group of hunt sabs in the South East at first being arrested for attempted ABH only to have the charges dropped down to aggravated trespass - seems some police forces need to catch up with the times and realise that hunting was BANNED in 2004 and enacted in 2005.  IF HUNT SABOTEURS AND MONITORS TURN UP TO A HUNT IT IS TO MONITOR THEM AND THEN ACT IF THEY ARE CAUGHT BREAKING THE LAW THEN TO ACT.

Remember the danger sabs and monitors are in every season out looking after those who have no chance.

For the hunted animal and the ban

Thursday 23 August 2012

New Start but Old Times (still)

Hi Everyone

Well, isn't this nice?! We are just about to start the 7th post-ban year and the 8th post-ban hunting season and looking at the situation we find ourselves in makes me despair.  Here we are yet again readying ourselves for the onslaught of putrid filth that infests the countryside around this wonderful country.  Of course many of our number have already started their season with trips to the baseless scum which hunts our wildlife regardless of the law and morality - hunts are KILLING NOW AND KILLING FOX CUBS.

Back in 2005 the countryside, the population and the hunted quarry experienced something that was once thought unobtainable; A BAN ON HUNTING WITH HOUNDS.  Start of the next season resulted in business as usual for the filthy hunt scum and the police found themselves wondering how they might be able to keep the status quo of keeping the hunts happy and continuing the harrassment of the people who have been through so much to win in government and risked their lives in the countryside - the hunt sab and hunt monitor.

Hunt sabs all over the country offered to help the good 'ol bobby who really does not know his backside from his elbow concerned with the issue of hunting - only to receive a apathetic response at best.  The same police forces who were putting a lot of time, effort, energy and tax payers money into policing hunt saboteurs all of a sudden found they no longer had the resources to police hunts now that the ban was in place - well I'm shocked!!!!!

So the sabs being a clever, genetically diverse (very much unlike the half-breeds on horseback) and clever group of people moved towards keeping a lot of video cameras trained on the blood thirsty in-breeds who suffer badly with delusions of grandeur. Offerings of evidence deluged police forces only to be met with the usual repsonse.  Sabs not to be deterred decided to keep up the pressure on the police and the hunts and would move into swift action when blatant hunting was taking place to ensure that the hunted quarry could get away to live. And now look at the situation - hunt scum are now being arrested and convicted for their crimes against wildlife.

But do you know the two things that haven't stopped despite changes to the law, the passage of time from the early 1960's to the present and the attention of certain sections of society?

Violence to hunt sabotuers (and monitors) still continues and....

For the hunted animal and the ban,