Sunday 16 December 2012

An Issue of Contention

Dear All

I hope that all the righteous are doing well and saving lots of animals and I hope those who seek to kill, hurt or maim animals are not having a good time and simply do not get their sadistic way.

Well these past couple of weeks I have had to deal with the police on quite a number of occasions (which I cannot divulge) regarding the naughtiness of hunts and their supporters.  On all occasions I have discussed issues with the police they have always come up with the same old crap about hunting being an contentious issue and that they are simply non-biased and in the middle!
You know it really is a shame that the police truly do not have any idea on what they are saying! All discussions on contention, cruelty, pros and cons, effect on livelihood, investigations, cases put forward and sincerely held beliefs have been discussed.  2004 saw not a ban which appears a softer label for the change of the LAW regarding hunting thereby making it ILLEGAL TO HUNT WILD ANIMALS.  Funny that!  All that time, effect, work and money that people went through to bring about this law – the countless committees, in the Queen’s speech, readings in parliament, then back to committee then back into further readings in parliament, up to the lords and then back to parliament only to force it through the lords and make it set in stone in the STATUTES OF LAW and for the police just to say that they are non-biased and truly in the middle of us and them?  Can I believe my ears?! No I fucking cannot.
The police have to realise that they are NOT the law, nor are they in any position to state which laws they will uphold.  They are not law lords nor are they parliament – they are CUSTODIANS and UPHOLDERS of LAW – simply that.
They have stated to me that there are arguments on both sides of the ‘debate’ – but there is no more debate.  We are NOT protesters – WE HELP UPHOLD THE LAW.  Indeed there are always arguments for EVERY SINGLE statute that has been made law;
Rape – s/he raped me – they were asking for it.
Fraud – They are nothing but thieves – I needed the money
Murder – How can you kill someone it is wrong – I felt a massive rush/they asked for it.
Hunting – You cannot kill animals for fun it is wrong – We are sick people with small genitals!
NO MATTER which law you look at from the downright evil to the innocuous, there are two sides of the story.  I was told by a police DC a little while ago that there were not enough police to police hunts – Let’s take a look at some figures:
From the website of the sick paedophilic scum (master of foxhounds association), they state that they represent 174 packs in England with a further 10 in Scotland – this makes a total of 184 foxhound packs, although there are more out there (with a lot being unregistered).  Now let’s take a look at the numbers for reported crime statistics in the UK during July 2011 to July 2012.
Category of offence
Thousands of reported crimes, 2010/11
Thousands of reported crimes, 2011/12
Source: ONS
Vehicle vandalism
Other vandalism
With entry
With loss
No loss (including attempts)
Vehicle-related theft
Theft from vehicles
Theft of vehicles
Attempts of and from
Bicycle theft
Other household theft
Unweighted base – household crime
Theft from the person
Snatch theft from person
Stealth theft from person
Other theft of personal property
All violence
Assault with minor injury
Assault without injury
Violence with injury
Violence without injury
Domestic violence
Mugging (robbery + snatch theft)
Unweighted base – personal crime
All acquisitive crime
Household acquisitive crime
Personal acquisitive crime
Unweighted base surveyed
These numbers are really eye opening when you look at them.  So it we were to consider the simplest case with one perpetrator per reported crime Violence with Injury would mean that 1026 people (cases) have been reported and investigated by the police.

From, we also find very similar data but this time with the convictions of the crimes for example:

Main findings – Q3 2012

Between Q3 2011 and Q3 2012 the total number of disposals given for knife or offensive weapon possession has decreased by 19 per cent from 5,484 to 4,433.

So here we have numbers totally in thousands of cases and convictions for crimes such as violence and knife crime – what do we get from this? We get that police are upholding the laws in these areas or in other words they will HAVE A CRIME REPORTED, INVESTIGATE and PROCEED TO COURT in order to obtain convictions (doing their job).  So why are they sending out police who prattle out the crap about being non-biased and the like or officers who do not know the law about hunting?!
The police are quick to deal with crime when it is easy and not when it means that they have to listen to us.  We need to change this as the only ones who are upholding the law in the countryside are hunt saboteurs and hunt monitors.

THE POLICE NEED TO DO THEIR JOBS – they have arrested and convicted people for a LOT LESS and on the most pathetic grounds or shaky evidence.

For the hunted animal and the LAW

Sunday 2 December 2012

Christmas Soon Upon Us!

Hi All

Well we are entering the festive period once again (the groans can stop now!) and things start to get really Christmassy - which I like (not the 4 months in advance the shops do but there you go!).

And this post is really just a quick reminder to those that it is also the biggest time of the sick and twisted calendar  - The Boxing Day meet!  Hunt perverts really crawl out from under their rocks on Boxing Day in order to satiate their blood lust.  There will be a fair few of them, as most of them will drag anyone they know in order to show those damn meddlesome 'antis' that they love their paedophilic sport.

So if you do not sab or monitor, get along to your nearest demonstration against the filthy bastards and show them that you do not like hunting.  If you can organise a demo or something make sure that all channels are dealt with etc. and make sure that you are safe when in close proximity to the derranged wankers.

However in saying this, many people seem to either forget or not realise that the sick fuckers also go out on Christmas Eve!  That one day (and what a day!) Christmas Day seems to really frustrate the great unclean because they cannot go out and kill animals against the law - so they make up for it by going out on the days either side.

So remember to get out there, get the police out there (as it is their job to uphold the law regardless what the morons say) and show the evil half-breeds that we are here, we will win and we will NOT STOP until they do permenantly!

For the hunted animal and the LAW (ban)

Sunday 25 November 2012

Once Again More Arrogance

Hi All

David Lee Peters trying to hide behind some 'new' hunting apparel!  Also notice the nazi salute from the green coat to the right!

Well once again we see more arrogance from the hunting fraternity but this time from the very same hunt in trouble for racially abusing a hunt saboteur; The Ross Harriers!

Well well well!!! I am not surprised that this kind of scum have done what they did, but to get into the headlines for a second time in such a short period truly astounds me!!!!  You would have thought that the hunt would be keeping a VERY LOW profile since the f***ing w** incident, but no!  They are far beyond that and once again their release following the recent problem shows their arrogance exudes from them just as much as their evil intent.

Below is a cut and paste from NWHSA blog (

Pet cat ran for its life as hounds gave chase
Thursday, 22 November 2012
A hunt has been accused of terrorising a family pet days after its master was convicted of racially harassing a protester.
Dad William Ricks claims Ross Harrier hounds chased daughter Anna’s cat after coming out of the Forest of Dean and onto his land on Saturday.
Five hours later the cat Minna was found cowering 30ft up a tree in the middle of the woods.
He has complained to police and the Forestry Commission about the incident last Saturday.
On Thursday, Harrier’s hunt master David Lee Peters was found guilty of using racially abusive words to a protester sitting in her car.
He was fined £720, and ordered to pay his victim £200 compensation.
He was in charge of the pack when Mr Ricks claims dogs ran into his garden from adjoining Bailey Inclosure.
“The cat legged it into the woods chased by around six or eight baying hounds,” he said.
“It was running for its life. You can imagine how terrifying it must have been for the young cat to be pursued by a pack of hounds in full cry.”
He said the family and several neighbours spent more than five hours looking for Norwegian Forest cat Minna.
“We prepared ourselves for the worse because we thought she might have been ripped to shreds,” he said.
“In the end she was shaken but fine because she could scramble up the tree away from the hounds.”
He reported it to the police and the Forestry Commission.
“Whatever people think about hunting in principle, I feel very strongly that the hunt should be stopped from riding roughshod over local residents and allowing their hounds to enter residential gardens and terrorise domestic animals,” he said.
West Mercia Police confirrmed officers were called to Hope Mansell after a complaint about dogs from a hunt being on the land of local residents.
A spokesman said: “Officers established that no criminal offences had been committed. Words of advice were given to both hunt members and the landowners.”
Nationally, the Forestry Commission allows trail or drag hunting, but not fox hunting on its land.
Only Cotswold Vale Hunt has permits for Lea Bailey two days this season and Deputy Surveyor Kevin Stannard has asked the Harriers for an explanation.
Hunt spokesman Anna Ernsting said: “The Ross Harriers regret that hounds were able to freely access gardens from farm land where we had permission to be. Letters have already been sent to the residents and we will inform them in advance should we be in the area again. We are not the only hunt in the area.”

Now the Cuntryside Alliance must be fuming at this latest news from the Ross Harriers as everything pinned on hunt scum makes them reel back in shock, horror and denial. But the release along with the usual diarrhea they (Ross Harriers) come up with is the thing that surprises me.

Now we all know that hunts have the very tenuous control on their hounds at the best of times - sometimes intentionally.  But the 'normal' procedure for someone bringing a pack of hounds which are trained to kill, to an area which results in cats and various other animals being chased and killed, would be to apologise profusely stating that they would not do it again.

But NOT the Ross harriers it seems...............

Hunt spokesman Anna Ernsting said: “The Ross Harriers regret that hounds were able to freely access gardens from farm land where we had permission to be. Letters have already been sent to the residents and we will inform them in advance should we be in the area again. We are not the only hunt in the area.”

So they 'regret' what happened.  Which regret would that be?  That they trespassed?  That they were caught?  That they almost killed someone's pet?  That if their hounds are likely to riot (as is the case) that they haven't muzzled them yet?  The list goes on.

Also the letter states that they have informed the residents when they will be dragging their knuckles back into town - so basically that means "keep your animals locked up because we're here".  SHEER ARROGANCE, nothing else.

The last bit also shows their true colours, "we're not the only hunt in the area"!  Well you can glean so much form this - "have a go at someone else please"! "If we are likely to chase and kill your pets, then so are our friends"! Or perhaps "we are all alike and do not give a shit about anything so long as we are having our fun"!

The last thing is from the very section of establishment in charge of law and order; the Police.  West Mercia police stated:-
A spokesman said: “Officers established that no criminal offences had been committed. Words of advice were given to both hunt members and the landowners.”

So out of control canines (regardless of being hounds or not) do NOT fall into the law regarding dangerous dogs then?  It is about time that the police realised that HUNTING WITH HOUNDS WAS OUTLAWED in 2005.  The matter has moved on from being an issue of morality or contention. It is a matter of LAW full stop.

The debates for morality were discussed years ago, the will of the majority prevailed and the DUE COURSE of democracy was adhered to and hunting was outlawed.  I do not give a shit that there are two sides with this issue - you can say this of every law in the statute books. 

A thief does not want to be caught, they want to steal and get away with it.  They will argue their case and so will those who fight against them.......

A person committing rape will argue big time about the person they have just raped asking for it and so on.  People fighting against this issue will argue that it is wrong and disgusting; two sides of the story.......

Someone guilty of murder will argue that they did what they did for a reason very valid to them.  People fighting against this will argue that it is wrong.......

All three examples are illegal (and rightly so) but they are policed very well.  Hunting live quarry with hounds is against the law - it is in the statute books and therefore it is the LAW.  It's about time that the police stand up and stop being pathetic when faced with angry paedophilic bastards illegally hunting with hounds.

For the hunted animal and the LAW (ban)

Wednesday 21 November 2012

More News part 2 (due to weird screen formatting!)

So lets have a quick think about the time before the ban came into force.  The police were incredibly pro active in policing hunts then.  Sabs turn up, they get stopped and checked for legality of vehicles, have their photos taken, phones tapped, dossiers bulging with information on each one and also some were approached by the police to act as double agents for financial rewards.  Hunts were allowed to continue riding roughshod through people's private property and to terrorise the local rural people as well as the wildlife.  The resources were plentiful when the evil pursued on horseback was allowed to continue; but now?  Well the above shocking but COMMON news release shows it all.  Why are the police not out at hunts if one of the primary objectives is to PREVENT crime?

The only thing that a ban repeal would achieve would be that all pretence of trail hunting would disappear, because hunts ARE STILL KILLING WILDLIFE and they will continue to do this until the police get off their moronic backsides and ENFORCE THE LAW.  I bet any money that the hounds even after 7 YEARS and no pre-ban hounds being alive, will still be able to hunt foxes in the light of a repeal as if there was never a ban in the first place.

Let hope that the LAW gets tightened up and Tony Blair's little loopholes are thrown away.  Lets hope that the police are forced to uphold the LAW bearing in mind that wildlife crime is a very serious issue and that most people who start getting their kicks from killing innocent animals, move onto humans.  Lets hope that David Cameron does not get his way with personalised politics with dropping the LAW.  Lets hope that the CPS successfully uphold the LAW and the cases of evil are brought to justice. Lets hope that Cameron's father in law Lord Astor answers and gets convicted (along with the hunt in general) for his breaking of the LAW in the example above. Lets hope that hunting stops forever because WE WON'T STOP ever.

There is always hope.

For the hunted animal and the LAW (ban)

More News

Dear All

Once again allow me to thank you for looking at my blog, the stats of people looking at the posts are rising considerably and it is always good to know that people out there still have a heart, now done to business.

Below is a cut and paste from the NWHSA on their website.  Once again for you to a read and hear your jaw hit the floor.

For immediate release
22 November 2012
*The Chairman of the Old Berks Hunt is Lord Astor, the stepfather of Samantha Cameron
A young vixen owes her life to the quick thinking and courage of a hunt monitor who literally dived in and grabbed her from amongst the hounds that were just about to maul her to death..
The young woman was out monitoring the Old Berks Fox Hounds last Wednesday, 14th November. The Hunt met at Elmwood House, Black Bourton in Oxfordshire. Not long after the hunt moved off , the Huntsman sent the hound pack into woodland and thick undergrowth.
Just after 11.30 am, the hounds found the fox in scrub next to large slurry tanks on the edge of a farm.
Fortunately for the fox, her "guardian angel" was only feet away. With no thought for her own safety, the monitor shouted at the hounds as they closed in on the fox, and running forward, was able to snatch the terrified animal. She then scooped her up, away from amongst the hounds, which would in moments have undoubtedly torn the young animal to pieces. The fox had already been bowled over onto her back, leaving her stomach exposed.
Despite having been bitten by the terrified fox, the monitor hurried the traumatised animal away, cradled in her arms, whilst her colleague, who filmed the whole incident, called for help.
Being followed by a Hunt participant, they reached a fellow monitor’s car and the fox was then driven away to safety. She was checked for injuries, and thanks to the monitor’s lightening reactions, was found to have no serious bites.
The fox’s rescuer (who wishes to remain anonymous) said of her actions:-
“I just reacted. I couldn’t leave the poor little thing to be torn apart by the dogs. But it was worth all the pain and stress and I would do it all again in a heartbeat. I feel privileged to have been able to rescue her. Words cannot express my contempt for people who terrify and kill defenceless wild animals."
The fox has now been rehabilitated into an area where she will be safe from the hunt.
The footage clearly shows that when the hounds reach the fox, there is no "quick nip to the back of the neck", as claimed by hunters, a claim always disputed by post mortem evidence of foxes killed by hounds.
The incident has been reported to the RSPCA.

What time has passed since the ban was known, put into effect and consequently NOT POLICED?  Well that would be 7 Years since the ban, 8 years since the law was changed and 7/8 hunting seasons. Those numbers seem to be rather large don't you think?  And yet after AAAALLLLLLLLL this time, hounds are still being set upon live quarry.  The sheer arrogance of the hunt filth shines brightly when they do it right in front of hunt sabs and monitors - it is as if NO LAW WAS PASSED in the first place.

The monitor acted in the most heroic way by jumping in and scooping up an animal so close to death and getting a bite in the process.  And then to drive away with a real sick bastard following them? Shitting themselves were they due to the fact that they were caught red-handed breaking the law?  Just shows the type of evil filth hunters are doesn't it?!

It reminds me the time when I was present at one of the biggest miscarriages of justice since Tom Worby and Mike Hill and Steve Christmas just to mention a very few.  Down in the darkest and most inbred areas of the UK; Devon and Cornwall, we were dealing with the East Devon fox hunt hunting near Cullompton outside of Exeter.  The hunt had been chasing the same poor fox for quite some time and had him trying to get down a rabbit hole. A Dorset sab intervened by taking hold of the fox and shielding him with his body against the constant snapping jaws of death trained to kill. Whilst on the floor and in front of witnesses not to mention the police, the huntsman called Haseltine (if spelt this way) dismounted from his horse and started to kick the sab in the head shouting "fucking let it go".  Well one hound seized the fox by the muzzle and pulled the fox out from safety and into the most agonising death.  The hunt went crazy, there was a surge of supporters reaching for the carcass in a fashion I could honestly say that was zombie-like.

After spilling innocent blood, the hunt then turned their attentions to the sabs and started to attack them; one 60 year women was punched in the face by a mounted rider and fell down a hill.  The arrests made? Well no prizes - the SABS.

Cases were dropped in due course but Haseltine had to pay for his barbaric actions. The case was heard and in his defence Haseltine stated that he was kicking the Dorset sab on the ground to make him let go of the fox because HE WAS AFRAID FOR HIS (THE SAB'S) SAFETY!!!!!!!  Haseltine got off! His fear of the sab being bitten by his hounds was enough to get him off!  Along with the nod, wink and bared nipple with dodgy handshake to boot I do not doubt for one single minute.

So the next time you are caught beating the shit out of someone, all you need to do is to say in court (and have a red hunting coat handy) that you are beating them in order to keep them safe!  That kind of logic just goes with the insane bullshit spread by hunt filth that killing foxes acutally helps them to survive!!!!!!!!!!

So lets have a quick think about the time before the ban came into force.  The police were incredibly pro active in policing hunts then.  Sabs turn up, they get stopped and checked for legality of vehicles, have their photos taken, phones tapped, dossiers bulging with information on each one and also some were approached by the police to act as double agents for financial rewards.  Hunts were allowed to continue riding roughshod through people's private property and to terrorise the local rural people as well as the wildlife.  The resources were plentiful when the evil pursued on horseback was allowed to continue; but now?  Well the above shocking but COMMON news release shows it all.  Why are the police not out at hunts if one of the primary objectives is to PREVENT crime?

The only thing that a ban repeal would achieve would be that all pretence of trail hunting would disappear, because hunts ARE STILL KILLING WILDLIFE and they will continue to do this until the police get off their moronic backsides and ENFORCE THE LAW.  I bet any money that the hounds even after 7 YEARS and no pre-ban hounds being alive, will still be able to hunt foxes in the light of a repeal as if there was never a ban in the first place.

Let hope that the LAW gets tightened up and Tony Blair's little loopholes are thrown away.  Lets hope that the police are forced to uphold the LAW bearing in mind that wildlife crime is a very serious issue and that most people who start getting their kicks from killing innocent animals, move onto humans.  Lets hope that David Cameron does not get his way with personalised politics with dropping the LAW.  Lets hope that the CPS successfully uphold the LAW and the cases of evil are brought to justice. Lets hope that Cameron's father in law Lord Astor answers and gets convicted (along with the hunt in general) for his breaking of the LAW in the example above. Lets hope that hunting stops forever because WE WON'T STOP ever.


There is always hope.

For the hunted animal and the LAW (ban)

Thursday 15 November 2012

Usual Arrogant Perverts

Hi All

Well a good thing to open with for a change!

The sheer level of arrogance from the perverted animal abusers has caught up with one at least; Lee Peters - master, head paedophile and huntsman of the Ross Harriers.  The following is a cut and paste from the HSA website:-

David Lee peters, huntsman of the Ross Harriers hunt, was today found guilty of racially aggrevated harassment and threatening behaviour at Hereford Magistrates Court.  He received fines and costs totalling £3000 and was ordered to pay £200 to the victim of the  abuse.
The convictions relate to an incident from January this year when hunt saboteurs were present to ensure no illegal hunting took place. Mr. Peters shouted racist remarks about a saboteur to other members of the hunt.  Fortunately he was overheard by an independent witness who called the police.  Mr. Peters conviction comes just weeks after Paul Standen, a supporter of the Ross Harriers, pleaded guilty to assault after punching a saboteur in the face.
Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt saboteurs association,  stated: "Decent people know that racism is completely unacceptable.  The hunting community however appear to be stuck in some kind of time warp where it is still ok to use this kind of disgusting language.  Maybe they would like to join us in the 21st Century  and realise that racism, along with the senseless murder of animals in the name of sport, is something that society no longer tolerates.  We hope the Ross Harriers do the right thing and sack Mr. Peters immediately to show that they do not condone racism"

This prick got caught out because of a member of public hearing him and his tirade of shite at the sabs where it was included that he said whilst looking at a non-white female sab out for her first time "they have a f**king w** in there".  He lied in court about sabs being armed with baseball bats to get the police to move them on. It was reported in the Daily Mail online that he was infuriated at seeing the sabs turn up and started on them.  After the police arrived, the officers told one of the riders to go and get him so they could have a 'chat'; his reply was that he was too busy and would talk to them later!

So they went to look for him and arrested him!  Good on them!

But it does make you wonder whether the police would have done anything if only the sabs heard what he said!  Talking to the Surrey Union police farce during a mid week meet this week, they told me that ACPO (association of chief police officers) have deemed the hunting act LOW PRIORITYWhy is it that they didn't deem policing sabs as low priority at the time then?  Sooooo many questions and no answers.

Well back to the Surrey Union Perverts.

On Tuesday 13th of November 2012 we attended the Surrey Union at Ranmore Common in Surrey.  The hunt were hunting (presumably under licence) land belonging to the National Trust.  Right from the outset we noted things which were eye opening:-

Sarah 'who ate all the pies' Godley hunt nuisance and budding evidence gatherer for the Surrey Union was caught red handed driving around without a tax disc on show! We are hoping the £1000 fine is winging it's merry way to her very very very shortly!

A video of damning evidence will be up very soon, but we caught them leaving the meet and then got onto a fox and hunted it through impossible terrain for any kind of bullshit trail runner.  The fox was running towards us and jinked at the last minute away from us and into the distance.  The hounds were very close to him but he succeeded in getting away and also managed to spread the hounds far and wide.  The hunt in fact, took most of the day collecting the hounds which certainly would have not happened if they were on a legitimate trail hunt!

The above two pictures show the amateur whip (Tubs Lardy) and the whip (Mr Toffee Nose) desperately trying to get the hounds back.

Here they are getting a few back but still their hard work had to continue in collecting the hounds.

 Another snooty pig nosed moron from the hunt trying to not look guilty.

Oh dear!!! What have we here? A horse box which has driven along the roads of Surrey to get to the meet, and what's the date for the road tax?! Why, it's 30th of September 2012 - 1 and 1/2 months out of date!

The best yet! We found the hunt once more collecting hounds after hunting through an area but what did we see? The village bike aiding and abetting the illegal activities of the hunt by pretending to lay trails.  This was done because the scum were getting information about us ready to take control of the hounds as soon as they would chase another fox. So they got the village bike to run with a tiny and rather pathetic cloth pretending to be a drag. This day resulted in a lot of RUNNING around VERY MUDDY woods and what do we have here?! Why the 'trail' runner looking non-sweaty in her tight GREY top and very pristine legs showing that she had not run anywhere the hunt had been.  Also VERY DAMNING was the fact that not one of the hounds paid the rag any kind of attention AT ALL!!!!!!!!

One tactic from the scum is to get the terrier'men' to drop this deluded tart off in the distance ahead of the hunt drawing a covert for foxes so that when a fox line is picked up, they can then bleat that it is due to their 'trail' runner.  Bad luck pricks!  We know ALL about hunting and hound work.

This is what a legitimate drag bag looks like from a proper drag hunt staying well within the law and enjoying their good sport.  See the size? See the moisture levels?

Also we obtained evidence on yet another licence plate mis-match on another trailer being used by a member of the scum brigade.

So all we can say is ENFORCE THE FUCKING LAW
For the hunted animal and the law (ban)

A hunt master has been arrested on suspicion of racially abusing an anti-blood sports protester.
Lee Peters, 33, is said to have shouted obscenities at protesters, and is accused of loudly referring to a black woman as ‘a ****ing w**’.
The father of one is believed to have called police to disperse the anti-hunting group. However when they arrived, officers were informed of his alleged outburst and arrested him.

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A hunt master has been arrested on suspicion of racially abusing an anti-blood sports protester.
Lee Peters, 33, is said to have shouted obscenities at protesters, and is accused of loudly referring to a black woman as ‘a ****ing w**’.
The father of one is believed to have called police to disperse the anti-hunting group. However when they arrived, officers were informed of his alleged outburst and arrested him.

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Sunday 11 November 2012

Another Hunt this time with good 'ol policing

Hi All

On the 10th of November 2012 we were in attendance at the Surrey Union Fox Hunt - a particularly vile group of in-breeds who have in the past shown that they are more than pleased to rough up those who stand against their sickening past time.

I was present at this hunt all those years back including when the worm turned with Surrey Police becoming the Surrey Union Police farce. A few years before the turning of the worm, the Surrey police as they were known used to be known, used to just run along with the sabs ensuring that tempers remained in check with both sides. They would talk to you, help you over fences and basically ensure the peace during the day - until a change happened.

The Surrey police turned into the Surrey Union police with a crack down on everything the hunt sabs said and did.  From blanket arrests, destroying evidence to complete and utter biased policing the Surrey Union police farce did it.  We won't ever forget (in the middle of bridge building talks with the back-stabbing fuckers I might add) the infamous St Valentines Day massacre. 

This particular day 14th of Feburary 2004, the Surrey Union hunt chased (as I recall) 3 foxes into a badger sett on Hampton Estate Nr Shackleford. 

Joint master at the time Mark Sprake (above), a known filthy piece of shit who likes to push women around, was threatening sabs who sat in the entrances to the badger sett with a metal bar until his mates from the police arrived. The sabs were arrested with many more to follow and then were positioned right in front of the illegal dig out which took 30 minutes.  The 3 foxes were killed and then carved up for the sick fuckers to enjoy sexually I do not doubt for one minute. The sabs were able to prove the illegality of the dig out, but the Surrey Union police farce were simply not interested but wanted to make sure that those 'pesky' sabs were taught a lesson.

The weekend after this disgusting piece of incredibly biased policing, we were told by other police constabularies that they thought Surrey acted in the most disgusting way and wanted to reassure us that they would never do such things and if a dig out looked likely, they would ask BOTH parties to leave at once.  We did have a massive giggle at the expense of Surrey Union police when they had to pay out THOUSANDS of pounds in compensation including one settlement of £12000+!!!!

The accounts just continue from there really, sabs being harrassed by the Surrey Union police farce, the hunt getting away with breaking many laws such as assault, obstruction of the highway, trespass and illegal dig outs.  I once came across (and don't I wish I had a camcorder then) one of the police riders (they always supplied 2 mounted police to ride with the hunt in the pre-ban days) called Bryoni giving her personal details to the hunt secretary!

But back to the present time and what of the post ban era?  Well nothing has changed at all.  The same pre-ban attitudes are present with the Surrey Union police farce. I was navigator for the day with our landy and I got really rather pissed off with the constant shadow we had in the form of a new police land rover. I went to ask some of the police orficers a question as follows:-

Me: If this is post-ban why are you following us?
Sergeant Moron: We are NOT here to enforce the ban.
Me: What?!
Sergeant Moron: If you think the hunt are doing anything illegal then call 101 and report it.
Me: See you lot haven't changed then.
Sergeant Moron: See you haven't also!

Basically the wankers at the Surrey Union police farce think that pre-ban policing is still called for in post-ban times.  They are still trying to arrest sabs for things such as aggravated trespass (for crying out bloody loud) and various other pathetic things - I'm still waiting for a sab to be arrested for walking on the cracks in the pavement!

Well the hunt started the day, tried to lose sabs and failed, then knowing that they couldn't get away with actual hunting, decided to try some trail hunting.  The terrier'filth' were obnoxious as usual getting away with breaking the law (2 perverts riding pillion on the road on quad bikes) and even pissing off one member of the public who then made a complaint to the moronic or maybe that should be masonic Surrey Union police farce.

Near the end, I was walking and videoing the derranged making their way to their boxing up area when one Alison West decided to ride her horse at me. When I then told her that she should take care when riding near people, she replied "oh why don't you just sod orf"!
Stupid fucking bitch.

The following screen capture shows that so long as you are socially and sexually deviant, you are ok in Surrey Union police farce's eyes!  Seeing as the police were paying particular attention to the sab vehicles and drivers, we found something out and informed the police. Take a look if you can spot the difference!

Well that wasn't too hard was it!  When we went to inform the police and show them this footage, their first reply was "is it on private land?" I stated that it was but they had to move the quad bikes back to where they came from so that would mean going on the public roads.  Surpise surprise, they missed having a word with the terrier'scum' about this - so long as you hunt with the Surrey Union, you won't have to worry about laws *wink *wink.

For the hunted animal and the LAW (ban)