Sunday 2 December 2012

Christmas Soon Upon Us!

Hi All

Well we are entering the festive period once again (the groans can stop now!) and things start to get really Christmassy - which I like (not the 4 months in advance the shops do but there you go!).

And this post is really just a quick reminder to those that it is also the biggest time of the sick and twisted calendar  - The Boxing Day meet!  Hunt perverts really crawl out from under their rocks on Boxing Day in order to satiate their blood lust.  There will be a fair few of them, as most of them will drag anyone they know in order to show those damn meddlesome 'antis' that they love their paedophilic sport.

So if you do not sab or monitor, get along to your nearest demonstration against the filthy bastards and show them that you do not like hunting.  If you can organise a demo or something make sure that all channels are dealt with etc. and make sure that you are safe when in close proximity to the derranged wankers.

However in saying this, many people seem to either forget or not realise that the sick fuckers also go out on Christmas Eve!  That one day (and what a day!) Christmas Day seems to really frustrate the great unclean because they cannot go out and kill animals against the law - so they make up for it by going out on the days either side.

So remember to get out there, get the police out there (as it is their job to uphold the law regardless what the morons say) and show the evil half-breeds that we are here, we will win and we will NOT STOP until they do permenantly!

For the hunted animal and the LAW (ban)

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