Monday, 5 November 2012

3rd of November 2012

Hi All

Time is a funny thing!

The duration is 2815 days, 13 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds


 7 years, 8 months, 16 days, 13 hours


243,262,800 seconds
4,054,380 minutes
67,573 hours
402 weeks (rounded down)

Why is this here? Because precisely at 1:30 pm on the 3rd of November 2012 a basset pack hunting hares was found.  The length of time above is the amount of time that hunts have had to deal with re-training their hounds to comply with the ban.  With the average fox hound working life being 6-7 years and 5-6 years for hare huntinghounds - there are no pre-ban hounds in the hunting fields today.

So why are the hounds still being very much attracted to their quarry? Foxhounds like many other dogs will have a natural want to chase foxes but like other breeds of dogs, they will also have a natural want to go where they like until they are TRAINED not to do that.

The foxhound breed was specifically chosen by the derranged to pursue foxes for a very long time (their stamina is far greater than a fox's but they are slower) - it gives good sport.  They are one of the best hounds to train and their scenting ability is impeccable.

So why are the hounds which are bred for their ability to be trained and the like, still after 7 YEARS chasing and killing live quarry?  The picture below shows why.....
Taken from

The arrogance of the hunting fraternity are treating the law as beneath them, thereby showing that the LAW IS AN ASS.

Weekday in and weekend out the hunts are making complete an utter idiots of the constabularies up and down this country.  The scum to begin with at the start of the ban said that they would be proud to go to prison but then realised that they didn't need to as the police have very little idea about hunting and even less compunction in doing something about them breaking the law.

So of course we go out. We who are the voice for thousands of animals and the people of the countryside who are not in any position to fight the bullies who ride roughshod over their land in pursuit of that desperately wanted kill.

On the 3rd of November we went out to pay a visit to a basset pack north of London. They had been sabbed many many many years ago but not since then as they are one of the most elusive hare hunts around.  This meet was the first day of the normal hare hunting season and a 'welcome' meet for those only in the know and with unquestionable loyalties.

So we turned up in the very small village called Abington Pigotts in the middle of nowhere and found that the hunt had unpacked at the meet (a local farm) and were merrily hunting hares in the fields behind the meet.  Two groups of sabs flanked and approached the scum and they had no idea what to do! They hadn't seen 'antis' for so long, they forgot what we looked like - you know just the usual, 2 eyes, 10 fingers and 10 toes and genetic diversity etc. unlike the filthy in-breeds.

First thing they thought about was "are the antis on private land?" - No. Then came "we are trail hunting" - Where's your trail runner then?  We can see for miles and miles across this FLAT land and we do not see anyone there! "Damn we have been caught let's pack up *wink wink" - Oh come on scum, we have come long way, why not at least trail hunt? You do know what trail is don't you? Oh you don't....let us explain then....

The scum decided to call it a day and then tried some subterfuge by out running the supporters and us into the meet, through the meet and on the other side - bad luck prick, two of us were there already waiting!  You really must think we are silly!  So along came the support with the hunt for a looped walk around the meet, back to the meet, then onto under the rocks they crawled out from the in the first place.

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They were GUILTY AS SIN.  But it shows that they, like their other hound hunting bretheren, think themselves above the law - sorry to disappoint, YOU'RE NOT.

For the hunted animal and the LAW (ban)

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