Thursday, 1 November 2012

Faces of Evil Blatantly!

Hi All

Well tonight I thought I would take a look (please wait while I spit) at the hunt filth the Southdown & Eridge Fox hunt's website for some faces of evil work seeing as they were quick to give sabs a hard time last weekend.

Looking through the photos I happened to come across some VERY provocative photos taken by hunt scum supporters for a nice jolly outing 5th of November 2011.  Needless to say there are more photos which will be analysed and will show much of the same.

In my line of work I need to be very good at analysis.  In analysing several of these photos I have found things do not quite add up really.  I will go through them and state what most probably is happening.

First and foremost is the above picture of the hounds - in the middle of a field FULL of crops with some level of interest. Yes the interest could be many things but this photo begs the questions;

Why are the hounds in a field full of CROPS? The trail layer wouldn't have ran through it (crop protection)?
If the trail layer did run through it, were is their trail? A field that full would show something.

Awwww such an idyllic picture - three excuses of men riding to hounds! But wait, what's that in the background? Why they are the terrier'men' for the hunt! They are named on the hunt's website as HUNT STAFF.  Hunts following trails should not be going near fox earths or coverts in the fear of getting the wrong line and breaking the law!

Here we have banjo-boy from Deliverence! Any one of these
Whipper-in: T.J. Fuller
Amateur Whips: Mr. N. Patty Mr. D. Fuller
  Mr. N. Pearce  
 But that is not the problem, what is the problem with this picture is that a whipper-in acting (not too close to the pack) riding next to something that looks to be quite thick or maybe too thick for a runner to go through? Yes this might not be the answer because the huntsman is not there but what is, a mounted and trusted member of the field in the background, showing that these two are on POINT - ready to holloa if a fox breaks cover.  Only whipper-ins and trusted members of the field could ride on point when the huntsman is drawing a covert.  The presence of the field member is very damning due to being a black coat and the hunt employing 4 whipper-ins.

 What's this?  On point again?! Surely when chasing a trail the hunt is constantly on the move and only need to stop for a short while when the hounds check from a scent!  Two lone riders, one hunt staff and one trusted member of the field - damning.

17th of March 2012
Hounds running down the middle of the road - 'nuff said!

Either the huntsman drawing a covert which is too thick for a person to lay a trail. Or it could be the huntsman gathering hounds which he should not have lost during a 'trail' hunt! Or a whipper-in on point once again at the end of a covert too thick for a trail.

Well here we go, hunt staff terrier'men' going equipped with terrier boxes on their quadbike.  Why should the hunt filth need a terrier'man' who's sole purpose is to dig out beautiful creatures from their homes and subject them to horrific and agonising deaths?

14th of Janurary
Not too many photos on this date.  But here we have 3 hunt stewards.  Now in general hunt stewards are there to ensure all things go swimmingly, but as we all know, stewards other job description is to ensure prying eyes are kept well away.

24th of December 2011
Couldn't resist this one!!!!! Full proof that hunt scum are paedophiles - here we have a fully paid lifetime member of the Jimmy Saville club!!!!  Also a mounted rider smoking on horseback?  PROPER horse riders know that this is VERY BAD ETIQUETTE!

Once again tut tut! Smoking on horseback? Standards are really slipping in horsemanship.

What took my eye in this photo was the goon in the black jacket with the ear piece. Now there could be some innocent reasons behind this - perhaps he did it to look cool! Also perhaps being a pathetic in-breed, he might only have one ear and needs a BIG hearing aid awwww!  Or perhaps it is the growing level of communication being adopted by hunts more and more these days and being a fairly sized goon, he might be needed to 'remove' sabs or monitors etc.

Once again damning photo here.  The hounds running to the huntman's 1 O'clock position seemingly into terrain too hard for a trail layer to run through.  Also one whipper-in on point most probably in the direction to be drawn.  And what's this?! Down on the left hand side of the photo we see a trusted field member once again on secondary point either to holloa for a fox or to scare the fox back towards the hounds.  That is the primary reason for a secondary point behind the primary point rider - to scare the fox back to where it broke cover from - it is a well documented tactic.  The rider isn't just there on chance, it breaks hunting etiquette rules for a 'normal' (and I use that VERY loosely) rider to be in front of the master of the field.

So there you have it!  The arrogance of the hunt filth gets better. Terrier'men' are hunt staff. And this would make you believe that no law was passed by the will of the majority banning this kind of thing because we know that it isn't trail hunting - not one picture shows the trail being laid!!!!

Also ALL of these photos are from the hunt photographer!



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