Well a good thing to open with for a change!
The sheer level of arrogance from the perverted animal abusers has caught up with one at least; Lee Peters - master, head paedophile and huntsman of the Ross Harriers. The following is a cut and paste from the HSA website:-
David Lee peters, huntsman of the Ross Harriers hunt, was today found guilty of racially aggrevated harassment and threatening behaviour at Hereford Magistrates Court. He received fines and costs totalling £3000 and was ordered to pay £200 to the victim of the abuse.
The convictions relate to an incident from January this year when hunt saboteurs were present to ensure no illegal hunting took place. Mr. Peters shouted racist remarks about a saboteur to other members of the hunt. Fortunately he was overheard by an independent witness who called the police. Mr. Peters conviction comes just weeks after Paul Standen, a supporter of the Ross Harriers, pleaded guilty to assault after punching a saboteur in the face.
Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt saboteurs association, stated: "Decent people know that racism is completely unacceptable. The hunting community however appear to be stuck in some kind of time warp where it is still ok to use this kind of disgusting language. Maybe they would like to join us in the 21st Century and realise that racism, along with the senseless murder of animals in the name of sport, is something that society no longer tolerates. We hope the Ross Harriers do the right thing and sack Mr. Peters immediately to show that they do not condone racism"
This prick got caught out because of a member of public hearing him and his tirade of shite at the sabs where it was included that he said whilst looking at a non-white female sab out for her first time "they have a f**king w** in there". He lied in court about sabs being armed with baseball bats to get the police to move them on. It was reported in the Daily Mail online that he was infuriated at seeing the sabs turn up and started on them. After the police arrived, the officers told one of the riders to go and get him so they could have a 'chat'; his reply was that he was too busy and would talk to them later!
So they went to look for him and arrested him! Good on them!
But it does make you wonder whether the police would have done anything if only the sabs heard what he said! Talking to the Surrey Union police farce during a mid week meet this week, they told me that ACPO (association of chief police officers) have deemed the hunting act LOW PRIORITY! Why is it that they didn't deem policing sabs as low priority at the time then? Sooooo many questions and no answers.
Well back to the Surrey Union Perverts.
On Tuesday 13th of November 2012 we attended the Surrey Union at Ranmore Common in Surrey. The hunt were hunting (presumably under licence) land belonging to the National Trust. Right from the outset we noted things which were eye opening:-
A video of damning evidence will be up very soon, but we caught them leaving the meet and then got onto a fox and hunted it through impossible terrain for any kind of bullshit trail runner. The fox was running towards us and jinked at the last minute away from us and into the distance. The hounds were very close to him but he succeeded in getting away and also managed to spread the hounds far and wide. The hunt in fact, took most of the day collecting the hounds which certainly would have not happened if they were on a legitimate trail hunt!
The above two pictures show the amateur whip (Tubs Lardy) and the whip (Mr Toffee Nose) desperately trying to get the hounds back.
Here they are getting a few back but still their hard work had to continue in collecting the hounds.
Another snooty pig nosed moron from the hunt trying to not look guilty.
Oh dear!!! What have we here? A horse box which has driven along the roads of Surrey to get to the meet, and what's the date for the road tax?! Why, it's 30th of September 2012 - 1 and 1/2 months out of date!
The best yet! We found the hunt once more collecting hounds after hunting through an area but what did we see? The village bike aiding and abetting the illegal activities of the hunt by pretending to lay trails. This was done because the scum were getting information about us ready to take control of the hounds as soon as they would chase another fox. So they got the village bike to run with a tiny and rather pathetic cloth pretending to be a drag. This day resulted in a lot of RUNNING around VERY MUDDY woods and what do we have here?! Why the 'trail' runner looking non-sweaty in her tight GREY top and very pristine legs showing that she had not run anywhere the hunt had been. Also VERY DAMNING was the fact that not one of the hounds paid the rag any kind of attention AT ALL!!!!!!!!
One tactic from the scum is to get the terrier'men' to drop this deluded tart off in the distance ahead of the hunt drawing a covert for foxes so that when a fox line is picked up, they can then bleat that it is due to their 'trail' runner. Bad luck pricks! We know ALL about hunting and hound work.
This is what a legitimate drag bag looks like from a proper drag hunt staying well within the law and enjoying their good sport. See the size? See the moisture levels?
Also we obtained evidence on yet another licence plate mis-match on another trailer being used by a member of the scum brigade.
So all we can say is ENFORCE THE FUCKING LAW
For the hunted animal and the law (ban)
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