Tuesday 4 September 2012

The scum on computers

Tonight I thought I would exclaim the complete and utter jaw dropping audacity of certain members of a sick perverted minority – the replies to YouTube videos.  When you look on the YouTube website in relation to sabbing and monitoring, you get a load of good footage and then some real sick disgusting videos of people both from this country and abroad who find the need to video their perverted animal killing lust in action.
Without going into the argument about these sickos and their videos, I would like to discuss the good law abiding people’s videos; the hunt monitor and hunt saboteur videos.
Now I feel sorry for the hunt monitor as they are normally punch bags for the scum to hassle, beat up, terrorise, abuse and assault (not to mention that they have been used as target practise recently).  These people are bound by certain codes not to retaliate against the scum who pushes them around, but to video.  They will also stay strictly on footpaths in their outnumbered numbers, so it is heart breaking when you see videos of them being treated the way they are.
Sabs on the other hand do not take to being pushed around by the filth that infests the countryside.  We DO NOT go out to look for fights or even agro.  There would be nothing better than to have our free time back so that we can enjoy different aspects of our lives without having to mix with evil in ‘human’ form or in other words – hunt scum.
Now before any scum out there is reading this or anyone else, I would like to add for the record that hunt monitors and hunt saboteurs both go out to hunts to monitor them.  If the hunt acts illegally and ONLY THEN, will the sabs move into action and save lives, monitors aren’t really supposed to do that.  The other point I cannot stress enough is that sabs DO NOT go out looking for trouble, but we will not be pushed around by hunt scum and that is the reason why the bullies of the countryside would prefer to bully and push around monitors rather than sabs. 
But let’s definitely not forget that hunt sabs are attacked almost each week they go out against the filthy bastards on horseback and especially when hunt scum have been caught doing something illegal.  Also let’s not forget that Mike Hill and Tom Worby were MURDERED BY HUNT FILTH and Steve Christmas nearly made it three murders.
Caveat over, so let’s ask the question what makes something so audacious and jaw dropping in relation to YouTube and monitor/sab videos?  Well it would be down to the utter scum who replies to the videos that a law abiding people risk their well being and lives to get.  Over the past few weeks I have seen some of the most despicable replies left by the mad, bad and completely inhuman filth you could imagine.  Sometimes hunt scum replies are rather funny, the usual and vvveeeerrrrrryyyy outdated quick nip to the back of the neck has been seen.  One stupid bitch tired to accuse hunt sabs of injuring her horse badly – oh no, we haven’t heard that one before!  However some replies are worrying in the extreme and one would seriously hope that certain departments of authority might be keeping a check on those people because let’s not forget that the evil scum Fred West was a keen bloodsport enthusiast and courser, and that is just mentioning one – there’s a huge list of (in)famous names all with links to killing animals for fun.
However some replies are simply pathetic – such as the Isle of Wight hunt exposed videos.  The monitors are filming, the hunt do not like it and then go ape on the monitors under a major pretence of policing the countryside with relation to trespass!  The monitors (of course outnumber by scum; funny how that is ALWAYS the case) were being ridden at, attacked, assaulted, battered, suffered alarm harassment and distress, all the while they were trying to leave the area in fear of their safety.  So what reply brought my blood boiling?  
Of course I would see pigs fly before the day a piece of shit hunt filth said something like "you know what? I think what we do is completely cruel, barbaric and not needed. I want to see the end of this!".  Although that has happened with several prominent hunt members and followers, scum like 2Eeyore won't ever change when faced with actual footage of monitors getting a seriously hard time.

But the scum replies are spreading!  Like the crap that pours from their mouths every time they open them.  On viewing Emily Fox and the practically indecent assault she endured trying to move Cock or should that be Cox out of the road, on one horse forum some stupid prick said that they hoped she pays for her crime! Come on I ask you!  The video footage plainly shows Cox causing obstruction of the highway for over 5 minutes with a massive queue of traffic forming behind him.

 Breaching section 61 Obstruction of the highway.

And the above captures show Emily being assaulted and very close to indecently. Top Emily pushing off as he leans into her when he knew she was on her way. Middle and bottom Emily being assaulted very close to her chest and face.

So basically there you have my rant!  Think of the people who risk an awful lot out there dealing with hunt scum.

To all sabs and monitors - take care and be careful in the killing fields.
To the half-deformed inbreeds who like to kill animals for fun - Post Equitem Sedet Atra Cura

For the hunted animal and the ban.

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